Excursions from the Spa

Padova The Erudite

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Amazing Padova

Padova "The Erudite"

We propose an engaging walk like a novel, to be read in one breath, masterfully narrated by an expert guide. We will discover Padua in the footsteps of ILLUSTRIOUS CHARACTERS who have marked the history of the city and celebrated its value.

From the mythical founder Antenore, to the historian Tito Livio, to Sant'Antonio,  the "Saint" among the most venerated in the world, to the noble families of the Casa D'Este, the Da Romano and the Da Carrara, Giotto, Giusto de 'Menabuoi, Squarcione, Mantegna, Donatello, Titian, Veronese, Galileo Galilei ... Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia, who in 1678 was the first woman in the world to graduate from Bo '(University of Padua).

The list is still long ... the cultural vivacity of Padua that has inspired so many illustrious characters will not fail to charm you.

Transfer to Padua, Authorized Guide

Montegrotto at 13:45

Abano at ore 14.00

Duration 3 ore 

€ 57,00

Minimun 10 people

ask for availability